What the Praying Monk on Camelback Mountain is, and how to see it

If you've heard of the Praying Monk on Camelback Mountain in Phoenix, but haven't seen it yet, don't worry, you will. To find it, look for the camel's nose. And if you don't know what I'm talking about here, step back. The mountain gets its name simply because it looks like a camel lying down. The nose faces west. Someone once explained to me that the hump and the nose are two different types of rocks, but I wasn't paying close attention, so to me it's just a camel. The Praying Monk is an outcropping of rock on the camel's nose. It's best viewed from the north side of the mountain, like the photo in the postcard at the top of this post, but you can also see it very clearly if you're traveling east on Camelback Road approaching the mountain. Since I collect old photos, having a landmark like that gives me very clear idea where the photo was taken. Look over Hugh O'Brian's right shoulder in the photo below and you can clearly...