Why people pay so much to live in San Francisco, and what Phoenix is learning from that

As someone who lives in Phoenix, my mind is always boggled by how much people are willing to pay to live in San Francisco. I mean, it's just crazy, right? There must be some kind of "mass hypnosis" or something. But that's not it, and it's something that Phoenix is learning. The City (as San Francisco is called by the people who live there, as if no other city in the world mattered) is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. And at the risk of not sounding romantic about it, it's mostly about the architecture. Even the bridge across the bay is beautiful. And of course there's the ocean, and the mountains. And that beauty that surrounds you in the city gives a feeling. And it's that feeling that people want to live with every day. And yes, they're willing to pay for that. A lot of money! Like Phoenix, San Francisco started out as a purely utilitarian place. San Francisco was a place where ships docked, where commerce was done, and it s...