Growing flowers in old-time Phoenix

As someone who loves flowers, and gardens in general, I've often wondered what Phoenix looked like back in Victorian days. But luckily I can see it anytime I want to, and not just in my imagination, at an historic ranch in my neighborhood. That's the Sahuaro Ranch in the photo up there, and the rose gardens were originally planted at the turn of the century, as were many of the palm trees. And yes, of course there were crops planted as well, it was a working farm and ranch, after all. But what has always fascinated me the most were the flowers, specifically the rose garden. Time-travel with me to a time when the word "desert" just meant a horrible place. Nowadays, of course, people admire the beauty of the desert, but in the 1890s, areas surrounding the Sahuaro Ranch were pretty desolate, and what I would call "miles and miles of kitty litter". And so, in addition to growing crops, people surrounded themselves with beauty, with flowers. It must ha...