Going to a movie in Phoenix, Arizona in 1918

It's 1918, we're in Phoenix, Arizona, and I feel like going to a motion picture. Come along with me!

Actually, I like to call them "movies", because the pictures move, which is fun to see, although it makes me a little seasick watching them flicker. Yes, I know that calling them "movies" is kind of silly, like cookies, or doggies, but maybe in the future people won't think the name is so funny.

I have a newspaper here, and it looks like "Daughter of Destiny" is showing at the Hip, which is just west of Central on Washington. Yes, that Madame Petrova is amazing. Stop blushing, we're adults. Film rating? Censorship? What do you think this is? There's no censorship of movies.

Let's see, this guy Art Rick says that he went to Los Angeles to preview the picture, and he seemed to like it. Well, he owns the theater, what do you expect?

Well, that was a big waste of time. No, I didn't like it. I could hardly read the title cards, and the person playing the piano must have been missing several fingers. And not only am I nauseous after watching it, I have a headache. Let's go for a swim in the canal!

Note: Movies were uncensored until the Hays Office was created in 1922, which was created to avoid government censorship, and created a moral code. The Hip Theater was at 43 W. Washington, and later became the Lion.

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