Looking at For Sale ads in 1890 Phoenix, Arizona

I love time-traveling in old Phoenix, and one of my favorite things to do is to page through the newspaper on the Library of Congress. Today I was in 1890, the first year of the Arizona Republican newspaper (the same one that's still around today, although they dropped the "N" in 1933). I'm not looking for anything in particular, or anything important, I'm just looking. And my eye was caught by some For Sale ads, which I thought would be fun to share with you. I'll tell you what I see, and what my best guesses are, and I'd love to hear what you think. Like I say, this is the kind of ordinary trivia that makes all of this seem so human, and precious, to me. Ordinary life is the most wonderful life there is! Let's see, it's 1890, so Phoenix is twenty years old already. A thriving community! I see that there are six restaurant tables for sale. Nothing I could use. Hartwell's was at 27 S. 2nd Street. The burros, ponies, pack saddles, and m...