Watching Phoenix grow

I enjoy watching Phoenix grow, and that's a good thing to do, as Phoenix has been growing, very quickly, since it began, in 1870. The one thing that everyone who has ever lived in Phoenix has in common is "wow, it's changed!"

Yesterday, as I was trying not to think about the root canal that I was about to have, I looked out of the window at some construction going on, either condos or apartments, at 83rd Avenue and Thunderbird, in Glendale, a suburb of Phoenix. And while the nurse and the dentist seemed to think that I wanted to know about root canals, my mind wandered to thinking about what people will think of those condos years from now.

Time-travel with me (let's not think about root canals!) to when future generations will look back on those condos as "old fashioned" or "quaint". Right now, of course, they're the latest thing, the latest design. They're made up of multiple colors, and shapes, with the idea being I guess to backlash against the former design of places like this which didn't have multiple colors, and shapes. I'm sure that multiple colors, and shapes, will go out of style, and then back in, and then back out. That's the way it works.

I like to imagine a time when people look back at this design as the "good old days" and want to preserve the historical integrity of the 21st Century. Of course there will be people who will want to tear them down as "old fashioned" and see them only as old and ugly, the way that so many people nowadays see architecture from the '80s, or '70s. Hopefully they will be preserved. Time will tell.

Thank you for time-traveling with me!

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