Exploring the history of Phoenix, Arizona without an agenda

Walk with me. Today, as usual, I'd like us to go explore the history of Phoenix. And if you're wondering where we're going, I really don't know. I have no agenda. I'm just looking.

Having no agenda puzzles a lot of people. It's like having no destination, there's really no goal, you aren't traveling to somewhere that you already know, or expect to prove. It's just traveling.

Don't get me wrong, there are things that matter to me. I like palm trees, and I would like people to be kind to animals, especially dachshunds. And it's human nature to have an agenda, to have things to set out to say, to prove. But that doesn't really appeal to me, it's too much work. Let's just walk.

I know that most people will look and wonder what the point of the photo at the top of this post is. Is it a political statement? Am I trying to sell Sun City Real Estate? I understand. People look for agendas. I've even known people who assumed that I had an agenda and have walked with me for a while until they figured out that I didn't. They were disappointed in me, and I hope that's not you. I would like you to continue walking with me, even if we don't know where we're going.

Yesterday I was sitting outside with a good friend of mine in Sun City, Arizona. He is in the last stages of selling his parents' house (they have passed away) and it was a particularly delicious day. I had offered to help him with his computer, and he was backing up his files when he noticed the message said "Two Hours Remaining". So he pondered what to do with that time, and we decided to just sit out on the front patio and soak up the beautiful day. It was 78 degrees when I took that photo. I soaked up a couple of Kilt Lifters too, by the way.

We watched the birds fly, saw a goose and a crane. We watched the wind flap the new flags that he had just put up, said hello to people walking by. I saw what looked like a dachshund mix, which made me happy. As I looked at this neighborhood I knew that it looks pretty much the same way that it did when it was built in the 1960s. Or maybe the early 1970s? I'm not exactly sure of the vintage of the neighborhood, I just know that it was one of the original neighborhoods in Sun City. I guess I should do some research on that. I have a lot of friends who love doing that type of research, and while I do a bit of it, I'm really not that good at it. Research tends to be too much like an agenda to appeal to me.

Having an agenda is a responsible, adult thing to do. There are times for agendas, and time to just look at stuff. In my life I want both, with very little emphasis on agendas.

Thank you for walking with me.


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