Why Phoenix old-timers resent GPS, maps, and compasses

If you're like me, and feel a twinge of resentment when someone starts using their GPS to navigate around the town you love, which for me is Phoenix, relax, it doesn't necessarily mean that you hate technology. It just means that you love your town. And to test that theory, all you have to do is do a little time-traveling. Let's go! Although maps and compasses were common in the days of old-time Phoenix, my best guess is that most long-time locals would have resented their use the a same way that old-timers nowadays dislike seeing someone use GPS. And it has to do with effort, and affection. That is, memorization, or in other words, "learning something by heart". When you genuinely care about something, you don't need to refer to anything. You don't need notes to remember the name of your home town, you don't need a map to find the street you grew up on, you don't need a compass to get there. You just know. You know it by heart. It's an ...