Visiting Partin's Encanto Pharmacy in the 1950s, Phoenix, Arizona

In this imaginary journey, we're going to time-travel back to Phoenix in the 1950s, and go to Partin's Encanto Pharmacy, which was on the southwest corner of 15th Avenue and Thomas. We just call it Partin's. Yes, this is an imaginary journey - I was alive in the 1950s, but just barely, and I was nowhere near Phoenix!

In this story, we're teenagers, students at West High, and we're just out galavanting around, the way that teenagers do. My mom has asked me to go pick up some toothpaste, but mostly we're just wandering around, looking at stuff. OK, let's go...

You look terrible! What's with all that grease in your hair? And the back of your hair curls up like a duck tail! Fashion? What? And what's that rolled up into your sleeve? A pack of cigarettes? You don't even smoke! OK, if you don't mind looking like an idiot. Here we are at Partin's. You coming in?

Hi Pat - I'm looking for a tube of toothpaste, what ya got? Oh, Colgate would be fine. Is Old Man Partin around today? Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude about your dad. The guy standing next to me? That's my friend Bill. Bill, meet Pat. She's the daughter of, uh, Mr. Partin. A good guy. I understand that everyone is served, and no one leaves the store without their prescription if they can't afford it. Times are better now after the war for most of us, but not all.

Well, I guess I'll pay for the toothpaste and go. Thank you for visiting Partin's in the 1950s with me!

By the way, the building is still there. You have to kinda squint your eyes and imagine the 1950s, but you can!

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