Visiting Phoenix, Arizona in 1973

Come along with me on an imaginary journey back to 1973 in Phoenix, Arizona. This will be inspired by the photos in my collection that are labelled for that year. To get there, we'll have to take the freeway, and I think I'm gonna be in the Cougar there in the center foreground of the pic at the top of this post. By the way, this is the I-17 Freeway, and you're looking south towards McDowell Road. And yes, Shamrock Dairy is still there. Is that you in that Opel?

Or, why don't we take the "Bug Line" and go to ASU? Just dig those groovy threads, man! Far out! Outta sight! Right on!

Yeah, I guess you're right - we're better off driving. Central Avenue looks a little crowded at Indian School Road, but look at all of those cool 1970s cars! Those buildings are still there, the Financial Center, on the left, looks pretty much the same, as does the Mayer Central Building in the center, although it's surrounded by a lot more taller buildings. The United Bank Building has been "re-skinned", and looks considerably different. Hey, I see Macayo's! Let's go get a chimichanga!

Sadly, it looks like they're imploding the Adams Hotel. It sat there for a long time, since 1911, when it replaced the original Adams Hotel, which burned down in 1910. It's made of concrete, so it must have been quite a job doing the demo!

Hey, there's George Luhrs Jr. standing there in front of the hotel his dad built in 1888, northeast corner of Central Avenue and Jefferson. There's the brand new Valley Center back there. Looks like the First National Bank building is gone, leaving a big gap. A lot of old buildings in Phoenix disappeared in the 1970s and '80s.

And speaking of the Luhrs family, here's George's brother Arthur looking up at the Luhrs Building, which is on the southwest corner of Central and Jefferson. It, and the Luhr's Tower (right behind his head) are still there. The Light Rail goes right past them.

Excuse me, I need to go over to the Slack Shop in Glendale and get more stylish clothes. What do you think?

Now let's go over the train depot in Mesa and hang out with the staff of KDKB radio. That's Toad Hall (no relation) in the back with the shades, tank top, and the curly hair. Bill Compton is kneeling on the right. He would die just four years later.

It's getting late, let's go over to Scottsdale and watch a movie at the Harkin's Camelview Theater, which is at 7001 E. Highland. I wonder what's showing in 1973? And I wonder if it will be rated M?

Thank you for visiting Phoenix in 1973 with me!

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