The beginning, and end, of amateur human-driven cars in Phoenix, Arizona

As someone who was born in the middle of the 20th Century, it's very hard for me to imagine a world without amateur human-driven cars, but I often try. I have a good imagination! Today I'd like to time-travel backwards and forwards in Phoenix history. Let's start with the first amateur human-driven car in Phoenix, in 1902. Phoenix history buffs will recognize that car as belonging to Dr. Swetnam, and you're looking east on Washington towards 1st Avenue. I really don't know what the legal requirements were for operating a vehicle like that in Phoenix in 1902, but I'd imagine that it was mostly if you had enough money to do so. It wasn't like being an engineer on a train, or a driver on the trolley, it really was just you, so it stands to reason that you wouldn't have been expected to be a professional driver. And if you've lived in Phoenix anytime after 1902 to the present day, I really don't have to tell you what kind of damage these amate...