Greeting people by name in old-time Phoenix

One of the things that I often hear about Phoenix is that since it's grown so big, people don't greet each other by name anymore. And if you've ever lived in a small town, you know that it can be a good thing, and a bad thing. Speaking for myself, I like it. I like walking into to my favorite coffee shop and recognizing faces, and having those faces recognize mine. They may not remember my name, but they recognize my face. This type of recognition wherever you go makes it difficult for people who want to sneak around, and tends to make people kinder and more honest. It's human nature - people tend to be nicer to people that they know, they'll hesitate to steal a car from Bob, who lost his wife last year, and would much prefer to steal it from someone they don't know. Of course, there are still real stinkers, who will be real stinkers no matter what. But in my experience these people are such a small percentage that they can be discouraged by locking your...