Bringing history adventuring into the '20s

I've been history adventuring all of my life, but I've only been writing about it, here in this blog, since 2015. At the time I wasn't able to get out as much as I wanted to, due to an injury, so I decided to go adventuring in my imagination. For those of you who have been with me for a long time, I'm sure that you've seen me use the phrase "walk with me", which I would write whenever I was unable to walk. Back then I would often be unable to walk more than from room to room. I've gotten better, don't worry about me!

Anyway, in the last few years as I've gotten better and stronger I've spent a lot more time out in the real world (as opposed to the virtual world, which is where we are right now, either on your computer, or tablet, or phone), and I've been pondering what I'll be doing now that the century is in the twenties, and I'm in my sixties.

I'm going to be continuing my physical therapy, on my own, for the rest of my life. My walking will always be challenged, but I'm able to do a lot more of it, which opens up many new possibilities for me. No, I won't be hiking, but at least I won't be stuck inside quite as much. But I will, like I am now, inside for whatever reason (like today, February 6th, it's freezing cold out there!). Of course in the summer I probaby won't go out in the noon-day sun - although I might!

Something that I've enjoyed for years, but has lost its zest for me, is social media, like Facebook, etc. For years I enjoyed being there, but now it's gotten to be kind of a drag. But I enjoy sharing my history adventuring here in cyberspace, so I'll continue with this blog, and I'll also continue to share my collection of old photos of Phoenix on my Patreon page.

So here we are, looking forwards and backwards at the '20s. Thank you for walking with me.

Image at the top of this post: Standing on the corner of Washington and 1st Street 100 years ago, Phoenix, Arizona. You're looking north in the 1920s.

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