Living in a converted garage in Tempe, Arizona in the 1980s, while going to ASU

For no apparent reason yesterday the name of the person that I rented my little converted garage from while I was going to ASU, in the 1980s in Tempe, popped into my head. No, I'm not going to mention him by name, but I will say that he was a professor at ASU, and he bought property and held it with the hopes of its increasing in value. Even back then I understood the concept, that it really didn't matter about what was on the land, it was the land that mattered. A renter like me would simply help offset the cost of paying for the property, and the taxes. Presumably he made a profit. No, that's not him there with me in the photo, that was a neighbor who had dogs that I liked. The landlord never visited the property. The neighborhood was, and is, what I would call "less than fashionable". It was dirt cheap, with no amenities, which is exactly what I wanted. I was a "starving student" and was glad to have found the place, and I made friends with ever...