The trailer courts of old-time Phoenix

I never saw what trailer courts used to be like in old-time Phoenix. By the time I got there, in 1977, they were some of the most awful, scary-looking places I had ever seen. Whatever landscaping that been there had long since gone, and I decided that no matter how bad things got for me, I'd never live in a trailer.

Of course, the 55+ trailer courts have been kept up, but the ordinary trailer courts really haven't. That's why my parents taught me to never say "trailer court", and to always say, "mobile home community".

I was very surprised how inviting the trailer courts were in the old photos I found. They weren't luxurious, or expensive, they were just a place to hang your hat. To our modern eyes, it seems strange, but they were shady, and comfortable, mostly used in the winter and mostly empty all summer. You don't need air conditioning from October to April in Phoenix, the weather is absolutely glorious - I know because I've spent a LOT of time outdoors living in the Phoenix area.

Time-travel with me, and let's go to a trailer court in old-time Phoenix. You can drive the Thunderbird, I'll just sit in the chair under the shade of the trees. Thank you for doing a beer run! It's just wonderful here, and here comes the nice couple next door, and guess what, they have a pitcher of margaritas! I may take a nap later on today, and that's all I have planned.

Thank you for staying at a trailer court in old-time Phoenix with me!

Don't know the reason,
Stayed here all season.
Nothing to show but this brand new tattoo.

But it's a real beauty,
A Mexican cutie,
How it got here, I haven't a clue.

Wastin' away again in Margaritaville
Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt.

Some people claim that there's a woman to blame
But I know, it's nobody's fault.

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