Driving towards the Monarch Hotel on Bunker Hill in Los Angeles

As I was exploring the wonderful Duke University site, I found a great photo of downtown Los Angeles. I was able to identify the location because of the Monarch Hotel, which used to be there, on Bunker Hill. You're looking northwest on 5th Street towards Flower, and of course Figueroa. If your eye is caught by the gigantic ad for Ginger Ale, that makes sense. It must have cost the Canada Dry people a lot of money, and since the Duke site is dedicated to advertising, that's why the image is there. But I see so much more. Let's take a look. This is a Los Angeles that has been completely erased. Yes, 5th Street and Flower are still there, but other than the street names, or the GPS position, it might as well be an entirely different city. I'm going to place this in the 1930s, based on the cars. If you see a car from the 1940s, please let me know and I'll update my file name. The intersection directly ahead of us is Flower. Take a closer look right where the sign says ...