Why Rice-a-Roni is the San Francisco treat, but not really

I've had a running joke for many years with my brother who lives in the Bay Area that someday I'll visit him and we can go to San Francisco and have some Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco treat! Well, that's what the commercials always said, and we heard them quite often back when we were kids. The slogan is still used for Rice-a-Roni, as you can see from the pic at the top of this post, and while it actually is true that it was created by a small pasta company in San Francisco, right after World War II. By the way, in case you're wondering, I do like Rice-a-Roni, and I'm influenced by the taste, not the advertising. If I didn't care for the taste, all of the advertising in the world couldn't get me to eat the stuff. And as an old advertising guy, I started pondering the slogan "the San Francisco treat". And I'm inclined to think that it somehow gives the impression that Rice-a-Roni has always been part of the history of San Francisco. I'm pic...