Being a fanatic, or a fan, in old-time, and modern Phoenix, Arizona

Although the word "fan" is actually just a shortened version of the word "fanatic", over the years, it has developed a more gentle meaning. Someone can be a fan, for example, for a sports team without being a fanatic.

Of course, like everything else that people do, there are levels, and extremes. In my opinion, being a fan of something is healthy, and good for the human spirit. I myself am a big fan of Phoenix history, and of wiener dogs, and hamburgers at the Chuckbox. I'm not a fanatic, and if you're a fan of something else I won't engage you in fisticuffs, and if you prefer sushi instead of hamburgers I won't throw myself in front of your favorite restaurant. That's being a fanatic.

I attended ASU, a LONG time ago, and since the only football game that I remember watching was when I was sitting up on "A" Mountain, you really can't call me a serious fan. I have a lot of tee-shirts and sweatpants with my school colors, but I really just like the colors, and I have fond memories of my days there at my alma mater. I know some very serious fans whose blood pressure rises when they see the fork logo, instead of Sparky, but I try not to worry about it. If they walk up to me and start tearing my tee-shirt off, I know that they're fanatics, not fans, and I can only hope that they'll be visiting 24th and Van Buren soon.

In a long life I've known a lot of people who are fans, and very few people who are fanatics. On the internet the fanatics tend to be the people who write outrageous comments, and the fans tend to simply sit back and show their appreciation.

Speaking for myself, I've long since learned to listen carefully to people who may be dangerous fanatics. They won't say, "So you like hamburgers from the Chuckbox? I'll have to try them, but I warn you that I much prefer sushi!", they say, "So Brad, are you still eating that horrible food from the restaurant you like so much, which will probably cause you to keel over with a heart attack some day?" It's really not that difficult to figure out who they are, and I stop and talk to fans, but with fanatics I just smile and nod and move on.

Go team!


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