Helping people who were driven insane by 2020 and 2021

It's June 3rd of 2021, and it's been a rough couple of years for many people, which is an understatement. It's been a horror. And since I'm living through this terrible time in history, I'm pondering its effects on people that I know, some of whom have obviously been driven insane.

Of course, it's just my point of view, I may the crazy one here, but I don't think so. My mind has always been something that gathers lots of informations, analyzes it, and synthesizes. In a long life I've seen some strange things, and although they can trigger my emotions, at the end of the day (actually in the morning), I have come to grips with things, remained calm, and carried on. I'm saddened by people who really can't do that, I have watched them go over "over the edge" with what they've seen.

If you're reading this in the future (and that's why I'm writing this now), you may be wondering what there was to drive people to madness. Firstly, there was a global pandemic that has killed 3,706,752 people as of this writing, and people are still dying. I got that number from a website, and while it sounds very precise, I'm aware that the number is probably much higher. There's a lot of suffering going on.

Another thing that happened concurrently was the transition from one United States president to another, which is traditionally peaceful, and wasn't this time. In fact, people stormed the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. on January 6th. To this day many people strongly believe that the election results were wrong. Many of these people also believe that COVID-19 (the disease which has killed so many people) is either just a hoax, or at the worst just an ordinary type of flu.

I've always taken an understanding view of people who have world views that are different from mine. I've embraced these people, even the ones who eat sushi, and I've been happy to live alongside them, even if I couldn't understand what they were seeing. This type of mild craziness has just made life interesting for me with my friends, and I understand that a bit of mental health issues just seems to go along with a creative and interesting personality. But I had never expected to see these people pushed over the edge.

I am sad this morning, and I mourn my friends who are lost to me. There has been too much death, and too much suffering, and I wish things were different. I would like them to return to me, just mildly crazy and fun. I'm still there for them, as they've been for me.

Thank you for the encouragement! If you want to see daily pics of my adventures on my recumbent trike in suburban Phoenix (just for fun, of course!) you can follow me on Buy me a coffee, and you can buy me a coffee if you'd like to:

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