Visiting Sears, Roebuck and Company in 1935, Asbury Park, New Jersey

When I first saw this image on the Duke University website, it reminded me of the miniature towns that I used to build when I was a kid. It's looking south on Main Street at Summerfield in Asbury Park, New Jersey in 1935, and it's just too perfect. Let's take a look. First of all, just to get us oriented, and to prove it's real, that building just south of Sears is still there. You can go on Google Street View and take a look. There's a laundromat now where the Sears used to be. There's just so much to see! I like their slogan "We save you money". Catchy! Looks like you could get lawn chairs and umbrellas so you could soak up the sun there by the ocean. Of course, you could get tires and batteries, and all kinds of service for your car. This is just too much fun looking at the cars and buildings! The truck on the left says "Butler Poultry Farm". To me, it looks as if someone said, "Let's do a miniature of 1935, with lots of fun detai...