Living and dying by faith during Covid - November 2021

It's November 22nd of 2021, and as promised I'm reporting on what I'm seeing during this era which will be called the time of Covid. You know, like the Black Death, or the Spanish Flu.

I like to start my mornings in a cheerful way by looking at TikTok videos, which are mostly happy people dancing, or happy dogs dancing, that sort of thing. But every once in a while there is a post about someone who has just died of Covid, and did so protesting all the while that it was just an elaborate hoax, that they would never get a vaccine, etc. It's usually done in a series of social media statements from the person, starting with memes, going through asking for prayers as they get sick, and then a statement that the person has passed away. Inevitably they leave behind spouses, children, which just makes it that much sadder, and people wonder why. But I think that many people are missing the point of why people do this, and I think that I can explain. It's all about faith.

Faith, like everything that people do, varies. There are those of little faith, like me, who would like to believe in miracles, but tend to remain cynical, and then there are people whose faith is so strong that it moves mountains. I've met some of these strong faith people IRL (In Real Life) and they're amazing. And make no mistake, their faith is VERY strong.

This type of faith can seem to be kinda ridiculous to people who have little, or no faith. To them, it just seems common sense to do something like wear a seatbelt in a car, rather than having faith that nothing bad could ever happen to them, like a car crash. And I'm not kidding here, I've known these types of people, and in a way I've always been a bit envious of them. They tend to not worry very much, and instead have a deep peace that comes only from knowing that their fate is in the hands of a greater power.

Of course no one wants to die, these people aren't suicidal. Their faith is tested by things like Covid, and for people who survive without doing anything but having faith, it reinforces their faith, and the faith of the people around them. Of course, if they die, it's just part of the plan, and they go to a better place, or maybe live again somehow. The people of faith around them who are true believers understand. Those who aren't just don't.

Like I say, I'm a man of little faith, so I'm on neither end of the spectrum. I got my vaccine, and I wear a bicycle helmet, but I have faith that a good man like me won't get run over by a truck. I find that it's a good place to be during difficult times.

I'll report back later, I promise.

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