Objecting to electric lighting in old-time Phoenix
New technology can be wonderful, and it can be awful. And nowadays when most people think of "technology" they think of computers, and cell phones. Speaking for myself, I love that kinda stuff - my career in graphic design grew with the introduction of computers, and although I was slow in getting a Smartphone, I really like mine. I'm even looking forward to owning a self-driving car someday. But there are a lot of people who object to new technology, and there always has been. Lately I've been thinking about the people who must have objected to electric lighting, which came fairly late to places like Phoenix, Arizona. Since we're so used to electric lighting, it's hard to imagine a time when it was a new technology. But it wasn't really all that long ago in Phoenix, it started appearing just after the turn of the century. Businesses started installing it, as did wealthy people. Let's time-travel. "You'll never catch me walking into a building...