Being an old fool
Since I've always enjoyed looking at old photos, I've often wondered what a long life would feel like. I remember my dad being disgusted by people who never seemed to learn, and he would often say that "there's no fool like an old fool", and "we grow too soon old and too late smart". He was very impatient with people who never learned, and while he never actually showed me a tin of shoe polish and compared it to something that a dog had left on the lawn, I know that he taught me well. I never wanted to be an old fool. Of course, you can just get old and never learn beyond a certain point. I've known people who call it "dropping anchor", maybe after high school, or whenever they feel that they're too old to learn. Speaking for myself, I wanted a long life to empower me, the way that Chiang did in the book "Jonathan Livingston Seagull". Chiang was not an old fool, he was a wise old master, and I wanted to grow from Jonathan into...